Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sapporo Snow Festival

Sapporo Snow Festival has been hosting for 66 years.

It began in 1950 when local students made 6 sculptures in Odori Park. 

In 1953, the largest sculptures were made for the first time. 

Now, more than 200 sculptures are made by executive committees, military, volunteers, international groups, and citizens. 

Last year, economic effect was about 40 billion dollars, and more than 2 million people visited. 

It is hosted from beginning of February for a week every year.

In January, military start making the outline.

 They transport total over 32 thousand tons of the snow to the site from mountains, golf courses or cemeteries in countryside during 2weeks. 

At the end of January, they start making details of the statues using shovels, chain saws, or chisels.

 It spends about one month to complete making.

The biggest size is more than 25m wide and 15m high.

The smallest size is 2m high.

You can also enjoy local foods and other attractions.

Total 17 shops are selected by vote from local people. 

 There are huge ice slope for kids 


you can watch snow boarding competition too.

This is ice bar. 

Outside is very cold, so when you drink a shot, you can be warm.

This one was made by Hawaiian group this year. 

They were 4th ranking in international competition.

If you want to enjoy snow in Hokkaido, I’ll recommend it's in February :)


  1. I want to go Sapporo snow festival!!

  2. I had no idea they had this kind of event. This is amazing and all the sculptures are absolutely beautiful. I was lucky enough to be in snowy weather once, but I couldn't even successfully make a snowball. These people have so much talent. I would love to see it in person :)

  3. I really want to go there. This is so beautiful and I miss the winter.

  4. I really want to go to snow festival. I always see the news on TV. It amazing for me!!! I think sapporo snow festival is the biggest snow event in Japan or in the world.

  5. I enjoyed reading your blog!! I want to Hokkaido!! Missing Japan very much!
